I am trying to solve an iterated equation, but it is quite messy and I am having trouble. Here are my equations:
$$ \mu_{t+1} = \frac{h_t \mu_t + h_\epsilon Z_t}{h_t + h_\epsilon} $$
$$h_{t+1} = \frac{(h_t + h_\epsilon) h_\delta}{(h_t + h_\epsilon + h_\delta)} $$
$h_0$, $m_0$, $h_\epsilon$, $h_\delta$ and $Z_t$ are all given. I would like to solve for $m_t$ in terms of the givens.
Is it possible to solve this equation in Wolfram Alpha? If not, is there a different software I could use to solve it? If both those fail, does anyone have ideas as to how I might solve it by hand? I've been struggling with it for some time, but it gets very messy very quickly!