I have tried switching to polar coordinates to no avail, I have tried using a gazillion path tests to no avail, I tried sandwiching to no avail and now I am really desperate, I even attempted an $\epsilon,\delta$ proof, with no success. I have been trying to prove/disprove the existence of the following limits:
$$1) \lim_{(x,y)\to (0,0)}\frac{\sin (xy)}{|x|+|y|} $$
$$2) \lim_{(x,y)\to (0,0)}\frac{1-\cos (xy)}{xy^2} $$
Wolfram alpha tells me the limit of the first doesn't exist, and the limit of the second is $0$
May you please give me a couple of hints and if possible a PERSONAL checklist of things you do to verify limits? I know such a list has already been mentioned on here, but feel free to add or modify.
Any help is greatly appreciated :)
EDIT: I have also tried variable substitution, although I am not very comfortable using this method because I rarely have intuition as to what substitution I should use, if possible please help me on that front too :P