
The following is an excerpt from section 8.3 of Représentations linéaires des groupes finis by J.-P. Serre.

$\textbf{Theorem 14.}$ Every $p$-group is nilpotent.

In view of the preceding, it suffices to show that the centre of every non-trivial $p$-group is non-trivial.

He then goes on to show that if $G$ is a $p$-group, then $p$ divides $\lvert Z(G)\rvert$, thereby proving that the centre is non-trivial.

My question is: Why does it suffice to show that the centre is non-trivial?

He says it is "in view of the preceding / vu ce qui précède", but the preceding is just a definition of various classes of finite groups (soluble/supersoluble/nilpotent/$p$-groups).

If anyone out there has read the book and understood the proof, your help would be much appreciated.


1 Answer 1


Hint: If you divide out the centre of a $p$- group, you get ...

Hint 2: Induction.


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