An elementary solution
Consider a counterexample to the required result with $P$, the set of prime factors of $T$, having minimal cardinality.
Lemma 1 Let $p\in P$ be odd. Then, for any natural number $n$, there are infinitely many elements of $X$ which are divisible by $p^n$.
Suppose that, for some $n$, only finitely many elements of $X$ are divisible by $p^n$. Then for some $i$ there are infinitely many elements of $X$ divisible by $p^i$ but not $p^{i+1}$. Restrict $X$ to these elements and then, by dividing every element of $X$ by $p^i$, we obtain a set where no element of $X$ is divisible by $p$.
There are only finitely many residue classes modulo $p$ and so at least one of these has infinitely many elements in $X$. Restrict $X$ to this class and let $x,y\in X$. Then $x+y\equiv 2x$ (mod $p$). Then $p$ can be dropped from $P$ and, by induction, we are finished.
Lemma 2 For any natural number $n$, either infinitely many elements of $X$ are divisible by $2^n$ or all elements are odd and congruent modulo $4$ .
As in Lemma 1, we can obtain a set where all elements are odd. Then infinitely many elements are congruent to at least one of $1$ and $3$ modulo $4$. Restrict $X$ to an infinite set of congruent elements.
Main proof
Let $x$ be any element of $X$. For odd $p\in P$ let $p^n$ be the highest power dividing $x$. Delete from $X$ all elements other than $x$ which are not divisible by $p^{n+1}$ and note that this still leaves an infinite set. We can now divide all elements by $p^n$. Repeat for all such primes $p$.
We are left with an element $x$ not divisible by any odd prime in $P$ and all other elements in $ X$ divisible by every odd prime in $P$. Furthermore, the same is true for the prime $2$ unless all the elements are odd and congruent modulo $4$.
Now consider $x+y$ for all $y\in X-x$. These sums are either not divisible by any prime in $P$ or are powers of $2$ which are not divisible by $4$. This contradiction completes the proof.