For the following theorem
Let $f $ be a continuous function between topological spaces $f: (X, \tau)\rightarrow(Y,\tau')$ and $E$ a connected set, then $f(E)$ is a connected set.
this is the proof given in my lecture notes:
Let's suppose by absurd that f(E) is disconnected. Then, there exist $A_1, A_2 \in τ'$, such that $A_1 \cap f(E)$ and $A_2 \cap f(E)$ disconnect $f(E)$, ie.
$(A_1 \cap f(E)) \cap$ $(A_2 \cap f(E))$ = $A_1 \cap A_2 \cap f(E)=\emptyset$...($\alpha$)
and$(A_1 \cap f(E)) \cup$ $(A_2 \cap f(E))=f(E)$. ...($\beta$)
The last statement implies $f(E) ⊆ A_1 \cup A_2$...($\gamma$)
Then $f^{−1}(A_1)$ and $f^{−1} (A_2)$ are open sets in $\tau$, because f is continuous. I must prove that the open sets in the induced topology over E: $f^{−1}(A_1) \cap E$ and $f^{−1}(A_2) \cap E$ disconnect E, that is that they are non-empty, disjoint and their union is $E$
From $(\alpha )$ ,
it follows that $f^{−1}(A_1) \cap f^{−1}(A_2)\cap E =\emptyset $ , then $(f^{−1}(A_1)\cap E) \cap (f^{−1}(A_2)\cap E) =\emptyset $, so they are disjoint.
and from $(\gamma) $
$E ⊆ f^{−1}f(E) ⊆ f^{−1}(A_1 \cup A_2) = f^{−1}(A_1) \cup f^{−1}(A_2)$
then $E=E \cap (f^{−1}(A_1) \cup f^{−1}(A_2))= (E \cap f^{−1}(A_1)) \cup (E \cap f^{−1}(A_2)))$ , so their union is $E$.
To complete the proof and get a contradiction (because $E$ is connected by hypothesis) ,one thing is missing. I can't figure out how to justify $(E \cap f^{−1}(A_1))$ and $(E \cap f^{−1}(A_2))$ are non-empty.
My professor said it is because since $A_1 \cap f(E)$ and $A_2 \cap f(E)$ are non-empty in $\tau'$, then the preimages should be non-empty in $\tau$ but I am suspicious of this, because the preimage of a non-empty set can be the empty set, if the function is not surjective and taking the preimage ,only yields an inclusion:
$ f^{−1}(A_1 \cap f(E))= f^{−1}(A_1) \cap (f^{−1}f(E))$ and $f^{−1}(A_1) \cap E ⊆ f^{−1}(A_1) \cap (f^{−1}f(E))$
Any idea?