I have a matrix identity that I wish to prove, which relates the determinant of a matrix to determinants of sub-matrices (essentially, cofactors of the larger matrix). In general terms, consider the matrix:
$$M=\left(\matrix{a & \vec{m}^\top & b \\ \vec{g} & N & \vec{h} \\ c & \vec{k}^\top & d}\right),$$
and let us write $\Delta=\det(M)$. We can also write the determinants of various sub-matrices of $M$ as cofactors, such as
$$a_c = \left|\matrix{N & \vec{h} \\ \vec{k}^\top & d}\right|,$$
for example. Under this formulation, the identity that I wish to prove is
$$\det(N) = \frac{a_cd_c - b_cc_c}{\Delta}.$$
I understand that this can be done by making use of a slight modification of the method employed in this answer to another matrix question, where the procedure is performed not on the inverse but rather on the adjoint (the inverse multiplied by the determinant).
However, after a fruitless attempt to carry this out myself I feel that it would be a better use of my time to allow someone with a deeper understanding of the matter to fill in the appropriate steps that I'm clearly missing.