I have great difficulties with an exercise regarding the shape of the intersection of the realizations of two simplicial complexes.
Given a finite simplicial complex K in $R^n$, let |K| $\subset R^n$ denote its realization, i.e. the union of the simplices contained in K.
Let K and L be finite simplicial complexes in $R^n$. Show that $|K| \cap |L|$ is the realization of some simplicial complex in $R^n$.
I have tried to solve this as follows:
Since |K| and |L| are the unions of the simplices in K and L respectively, we have:
$|K|=\bigcup\limits_{\Delta \in K} \Delta$
$|L|=\bigcup\limits_{\Delta^\prime \in L} \Delta^\prime$
Then by De Morgans Laws we get:
$|K| \cap |L|=|K| \cap \bigcup\limits_{\Delta^\prime \in L} \Delta^\prime =\bigcup\limits_{\Delta^\prime \in L} (|K| \cap \Delta^\prime)= \bigcup\limits_{\Delta^\prime \in L} (\bigcup\limits_{\Delta \in K} \Delta \cap \Delta^\prime) $
This suggests that the simplicial complex I'm looking for consists of those simplices that are generated as the intersection of simplices in K and simplices in L. However in order to proceed I have to prove that for every $\Delta \in K$ and every $\Delta^\prime \in L$ the intersection $\Delta \cap \Delta^\prime$ is also a simplex. I know that if $v_0,...,v_k$ are the vertices of $\Delta$ and $w_0,...,w_l$ are the vertices of $\Delta^\prime$ I have
where $conv(...)$ denotes the convex hull of the vertices. I think it is possible to show that there are index sets $I \subset \{0,1,...,k\}, J \subset \{0,1,...,l\}$ such that
$\Delta \cap \Delta'=conv((v_i)_{i \in I}=conv((w_j)_{j \in J}$.
But I do not see how to give a formal proof of that. I have found a similar question, but since the answers assume a definition I'm not working with, it unfortunately doesn't help me.