Let $\newcommand\Unif{\mathrm{Unif}}\Unif$ denote the category of uniform spaces and uniformly continuous functions and $\newcommand\Top{\mathrm{Top}}\Top$ the category of topological spaces and continuous functions. We have a forgetful functor $\Unif\to\Top$ which sends every uniform space to the topological spaces whose topology is induced by the uniformity.
Since the forgeful functor $\Unif\to\Top$ preserves initial sources, it has a left adjoint $\Top\to\Unif$.
Thus to every topological space is associated a canonical uniformity compatible with its topology.
Is possible to give an explicit costruction of this uniformity?
I try to consider as set of entourages the set of the neighbourhoods of the diagonal, but I'm failed to show that every entourage $U$ contains $V\circ V$ form some entourage $V$.