If $X$ is an infinite set, we can consider it as a topological space with the discrete topology, and it has the property that $X$ and $X\times X$ are homeomorphic. Does the property that $X$ is homeomorphic to $X\times X$ imply that $X$ has the discrete topology? Or are there other examples of spaces that satisfy this?
1$\begingroup$ What about the trivial topology $\{ \emptyset, X \}$? $\endgroup$– Keen-ameteurCommented Dec 31, 2019 at 13:13
$\begingroup$ Right, I really did not think this question through enough. Anyway, good to now that there are a lot of spaces (not only those with discrete or trivial topology) that have this property. $\endgroup$– Krup'aCommented Dec 31, 2019 at 13:28
1$\begingroup$ See also: Homeomorphism between Space and Product: $X \cong X \times X$, Can a space $X$ be homeomorphic to its twofold product with itself, $X \times X$?, Homeomorphism between topological space and product space. $\endgroup$– Martin SleziakCommented Jan 9, 2020 at 15:19
4 Answers
For arbitrary separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space $H$ you have a linear (even unitary) homeomorphism $H \sim H \times H$, which can be built using any countable orthonormal base in $H$.
Let $Z$ be any space and $A$ any infinite set. Then $X = \prod_{\alpha \in A} Z_\alpha$, where $Z_\alpha = Z$, has the property $X \times X \approx X$.
Spaces like that are often $0$ dimensional (base of clopen sets): many standard spaces are like that:
$X=\mathbb{Q}$ in the usual topology obeys $X^2\simeq X$, as both are countable metrisable spaces without isolated points.
$X=\mathbb{P}$ (the irrationals in the usual topology) likewise, but now because they both are separable, completely metrisable, zero-dimensional, nowhere locally compact spaces. (Or because maybe you know that $P \simeq \mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}$)
$X=C$, the Cantor set, because $C^2$ and $C$ are both compact zero-dimensional metric spaces without isolated points.
$X=C\setminus \{p\}$ (for $p \in C$) as well, as this $X$ is the unique (up to homeomorphism) zero-dimensional crowded (no isolated points) metric space that is not compact, but is locally compact.
Many infinite-dimensional spaces from analysis: $\ell^p$ for all $p$, and $\ell^\infty$ as well and $c_0$ and $c$ (all basically topologically the same example $\Bbb R^\mathbb{N}$, except $\ell^\infty$ which is not separable).
Ugly spaces like any infinite space in the indiscrete (trivial) topology you forgot to mention.
The space can be metric and one-dimensional too: Erdős space is such a space, the irrational variant is even completely metrisable.
The Cantor space $C = \{0,1\}^\mathbb{N}$ clearly also has this property, but its topology isn't discrete.