Suppose $F_n$ is a free group with $n$ generators.
Suppose $G$ is a finitely generated group. We call $G$ finitely presented iff $\exists n \in \mathbb{N}$ and finite $A \subset F_n$ such that $G \cong \frac{F_n}{\langle \langle A \rangle \rangle}$. We call $G$ regularly presented iff $\exists n \in \mathbb{N}$ and $A \subset F_n$, which is regular as a formal language over the alphabet of generators and their inverses, such that $G \cong \frac{F_n}{\langle \langle A \rangle \rangle}$.
Does there exist a group, which is regularly presented, but not finitely presented?
If there is, I would like to see an example.
The things I managed to find:
-The cardinalities of classes of finitely presented groups and regularly presented groups are the same (they are countable)
-Any regularly presented group is recursively presented and thus isomorphic to a subgroup of a finitely presented group by Higman embedding theorem.