I want to state that "when a convex polygon with $N$ vertices is clipped against a half-plane, the resulting will be a convex polygon of at most $N+1$ vertices".
I know now how to argue about convexity. This is my argument about the $N+1$ part:
An intersection of any convex polygon with a half-plane consists of at most one line segment. For there to be an intersection at all, at least one point of the polygon must be on a different side of the plane than all others. Therefore, at least one point of the polygon is "cut off". The intersection line creates 0 to 2 new vertices: a vertex in each intersection with a polygon edge and no vertex if it passes through an existing polygon vertex. Because there are at most two intersections of the line and the convex polygon - at most 2 additional polygon vertices can be created. Thus, the result of clipping a convex polygon of $N$ vertices with a plane will remove at least one vertex and create at most two vertices. New polygon will not have more than $N+1$ vertices.
It sounds clumsy and amateur to me myself. How can I improve it? Make it more sound?