Im trying to understand Lidskii Theorem which states the following.
If $H$ is a separable Hilbert Space, $T:H \rightarrow H$ a (compact) trace class operator and $\{\gamma _n\}_{n\in \Bbb N}$ are the eigenvalues of $T$, each repeted as many times as its algebraic multiplicity, then $$Trace(T)= \sum_{n=1}^\infty \gamma_n$$
And I couldn't find anywhere the definiton of algebraic multiplicity of an eigenvalue in the infinite dimensional case. I started believing it has something to do with the following statement. Let $T:H \rightarrow H$ be a compact operator, for every eigenvalue $\gamma$ there exist a $m\in \Bbb N_0$ such that $$\{0 \} \subsetneq Ker(T-\gamma.Id)\subsetneq Ker(T-\gamma.Id)^2 \subsetneq \dots\subsetneq Ker(T-\gamma.Id)^m=Ker(T-\gamma.Id)^{m+1}=Ker(T-\gamma.Id)^{m+2}=\dots$$ I thought $m$ was the algebraic multiplicity of $\gamma$ but then realiced this does not match with the definition in the finite dimensional case, for example, taking $T=Id_{\Bbb R^2}$ and $\gamma=1$. So my question, again, is "what does algebraic multiplicity means?"