In trying to prove the proposition $$\forall a \in \mathbb{R}, \forall b \in \mathbb{R}^+, \vert a\vert<b \iff -b<a<b$$
I can do the $\implies$ direction, but am not sure if my reasoning for the other direction is correct.
I try to prove that $(-b<a) \land (a < b) \implies \vert a\vert<b$ by cases. My question pertains specifically to proving the case in which $a$ is positive.
From writing out the truth tables I see that $(P\land Q) \implies H$ is logically equivalent to $(P\implies H) \lor\neg Q$, I just show that in the case $a$ is positive, then $a = \vert a \vert$, so $a<b \implies \vert a \vert <b$.
This seems to prove that $P \implies H$ is true, where $P$: $a<b$ and $H$: $\vert a \vert <b$.
What am I wondering is if this is valid? It feels like I didn't use $Q$ in the reasoning to prove $H$, other than assuming it's true. By that I mean, in the proof I write out, "assume $P$ and $Q$...", but then in the reasoning I 'prove' the result by showing $P$ implies $H$ by itself.
Is this correct? I don't quite understand intuitively why it is valid to not 'do' anything with my assumption that $Q$ is true. Generally in direct proofs when we assume $P$ is true in order to derive $Q$, we use the information about $P$ to get there, and in this case it seems like I haven't done that.
I think my ultimate question is what is the general approach to solving statements of the logical form $$(P\land Q) \implies H$$?
Is it sufficient to prove $P\implies H$, since it is part of a compound 'or' statement?