The following is a nice little lemma that I stumbled upon, that I thought might be useful for other people too:
Let $(V,g)$ be a $2$-dimensional oriented inner product space, and let $T:V \to \mathbb{R}^2$ be a linear map defined by $T(v)=(\alpha_1(v),\alpha_2(v))$, where $\alpha_1 \in V^*$ is non-zero and $\alpha_2=-\star_{V^*}\alpha_1$. Then $T$ is an orientation-reversing conformal map.
Here $\star_{V^*}:V^* \to V^*$ is the Hodge-star operator associated with the metric and orientation on $V^*$ induced by those on $V$.
Edit: I guess that this claim can be 'upgraded' to an 'if and only if' statement, i.e. $f=(\alpha_1,\alpha_2)$ is conformal$+$ orientation-reversing if and only if $\alpha_2=-\star_{V^*}\alpha_1$. I would be interested to see a proof for that.
The question is really about how to prove that conformality implies $\alpha_2=\pm \star_{V^*}\alpha_1$. (the right sign than should be easy to verify).
Question: How to prove this lemma in an elegant way?
(I have one proof and I guess there are other shorter approaches out there).
The basic intuition is that in even-dimensional spaces, the Hodge-dual acting on forms of degree which is half the dimension, maps each form to a form which is orthogonal to it:
$$\langle \alpha, \star_{V^*} \alpha\rangle \text{Vol}_V= \alpha \wedge \star_{V^*} (\star_{V^*} \alpha)=\pm \alpha \wedge \alpha=0.$$
Thus,$\langle \alpha_2,\alpha_1\rangle=-\langle \star_{V^*} \alpha_1,\alpha_1\rangle=0$. The fact that $\alpha_1 \perp \alpha_2$ is essentially equivalent to $T$ being represented (w.r.t orthogonal bases) via a matrix whose rows are orthogonal-i.e. a rescaling of an orthogonal matrix.
(However, my proof does not exactly follow this line of reasoning.)