Prove that $D$ must also be positive definite matrix, given that $M$ is symmetric and positive definite matrix.
Consider the block matrix $$M=\begin{bmatrix} A & B\\ C & D \end{bmatrix}$$
where $A \in Mat_{n\times n}, \ B \in Mat_{n \times m} , \ C \in Mat_{m\times n}, \ D \in Mat_{m\times m}$.
D is invertible.
I have a notion that I have to use the Schur complement, but I have no Idea how. And I think I don't really get what the Schur complement really is.
I tried to write the Matrix as a multiplication of two matrices containing the Schur complement. but it did not get anywhere.
The other idea was that the I know that the diagonal entries of $D$ must be positive. but again this seems of no help.