I have a very simple question that is confusing me at one point. Suppose that $A$ is a real, non-negative definite matrix (hence automatically square and symmetric). Then, is it true that: $$|y^\top A x| \leq \|A\|_{\textrm{sp}}|y^\top x|~? $$ Here, $\|A\|_\textrm{sp}$ denotes the spectral norm of $A$.
I tried along the following lines:
Let $A = P^\top D P$ be the spectral decomposition of $A$. Let $X = Px$ and $Y=Py$. Then, $$|y^\top A x| = |Y^\top D X| = \left|\sum_i D_{ii}X_iY_i\right|~.$$ I cannot proceed further from the last step, since the $X_i$s and $Y_i$s can be positive or negative (although the $D_{ii}$s are non-negative). Can anyone help me?