So I am having trouble with an exercise about mathematical induction. I have the following sentence: $1^{n+1}$ < $2^n$ for every n ≥ 3
Now, what I would personally do is:
First prove that it is true for n = 3
$1^{3+1}$ = 1 < 8 = $2^3$
And assume that if the sentence is true for n, then it is also true for k. Then I would prove that the sentence is true for k+1 for every k ≥ 3.
Now the problem is that I have seen an answer to a question similar to this, where the person solving the problem proved that the sentence is true for k+1 for every k ≥ 4.
Even when that person changed k ≥ 3 to k ≥ 4, it didn't make any change to the overall proof. What I want to know is, which notation is the right one; k ≥ 3, or k ≥ 4?