I am trying to understand a PDE model for a heater.
Please kindly guide in the correct direction so that I can understand and possibly solve this equation?
The below is a heat equation for a water heater with two heating element and sensors.
$\eqalignno{&{\partial T\over \partial t}+V{\partial T\over \partial x} =({D_{c}+D_{a}}){\partial^{2}T\over \partial x^{2}} +{Q_{\rm ele}\over \rho c_{v}}+{U\cdot A_{s}\over AH\rho c_{v}}({T_{\rm amb} -T})\cr &&\hbox{(1)} }$
Can you please advise how can I solve such an equation?
(2) V = m ˙ / AQele=Q/(Az) AS=2π×d×H is the total surface area of the water tank, where d is the diameter of the water tank. The effect of heat transfer through thermal conduction is considered using the thermal diffusivity Dc=k/(ρ×cv), where k is the thermal conductivity of water, k=1.8 W/(m⋅K), and Dc=0.143×10−6m2/s.
The effect of heat transfer by natural convection is modeled using the buoyancy factor given by Da [9]
$D_{a} = ({\theta d})^{2}\sqrt {-g\beta {\partial T\over\partial x}} {\hbox{(3)}}$ where θ=0.46 is the Von Kármán constant. g=9.8 m/s2 is the acceleration due to gravity and β=207×10−6/K is the thermal expansion coefficient of water. The minus sign in (3) is due to the fact that natural convection only occurs when the instantaneous temperature gradient is negative, i.e., (∂T)/(∂x)<0. If the water tank has a diameter of d=0.5 m, (3) can be further simplified to $D_{a} =\gamma \sqrt {-{\partial T\over\partial x}} \eqno{\hbox{(4)}}$