The proof is from Robert Megginson, Introduction to Banach Spaces (3.5.6)
PROOF. One implication is a trivial consequence of the fact that every reflexive subspace of a Banach space is closed. For the other, suppose that a weakly compact linear operator $T$ from a Banach space $X$ into a Banach space $Y$ has closed range. Then $T$ is an open mapping from $X$ onto $T(X)$, so $T(B_X)$ is a relatively weakly compact subset of $T(X)$ that includes a neighborhood of $0$ in $T(X)$. This implies that $B_{T(X)}$ is weakly compact and therefore that $T(X)$ is reflexive. $\qquad\blacksquare$
However I dont understand why $B_{T(X)}$ is weakly compact, I've been using Eberlein - Smulian Theorem to prove the previos propositions but I still dont get why if $T(B_X)$ is a relatively weakly compact subset of $T(X)$ that includes a neighbornood of 0 in $T(X)$ then $B_{T(X)}$ is weakly compact.
I would appreciate any insight.