I have an exercise, and the answer is given, but I can't figure out how they get to this answer. The question is: Let $e_0,e_1, . . .$ be a sequence of independent, identically distributed random variables with mean m and variance $\sigma^2$. Let $\{X_t , t = 1, \dots\}$ be the stochastic process defined by $X_t = 1.2e_t + 0.9e_{t−1}$. Compute the mean $m_X (t) = E[X(t)]$, and the covariance function $r_X (s, t) = C[X_s, X_t ]$. Show that $\{X_t\}$ is weakly stationary.
The part of the covariance function I just can't figure out. I'd think that I should compute it with this one: $\operatorname{Cov}(X_s, X_t)=E[X_s*X_t]−E[X_s]⋅E[X_t]$. This, however, won't give the answer I'm looking for.
I hope someone can explain this to me!