I had a class in algebraic topology, our main book is Allen Hatcher, our professor defined a term called "Exponential Law" as the following:
$Hom (X \times Y, Z) \cong Hom (X, Hom (Y, Z))$
$\alpha : X \times Y \rightarrow Z $
$\tilde{\alpha} : X \rightarrow Hom (Y, Z)$
$\tilde{\alpha} (x)(y) = \alpha (x, y) $
(I may have errors in copying after my professor, forgive me if I have).
My questions are:
1-Where can I find this title in Allen Hatcher or any other book (Actually I asked my professor and he/she said that I may find it in Munkres under the title of "Mapping spaces" and I assumed that he/she means Munkres of general topology and also I did not find this exponential law ), could anyone help me in this please?
2-Why it is called exponential law?