I am solving some problems from the book Discrete Mathematics & its applications with combinatorics & Graph Theory by Kenneth H Rosen. I have difficulty solving these three problems:
- Is the assertion "This statement is false" a proposition?
- Express the following statement in FOL: "A student must take at least 60-course hours, or at least 45-course hours and write a master's thesis, and receive a grade no lower than a B in all required courses, to receive a master's degree".
- Does the given mathematical argument is valid:
$$\begin{align} \forall x (P(x) \implies \lnot Q(x))\\ \forall x (Q(x) \implies R(x))\\ \hline\\ \therefore \forall x (P(x) \implies \lnot R(x)) \end{align}$$
In the (1), how to prove the assertion is a paradox. As statement itself is talking about its truth value i.e. False, assigning true to the statement introduces paradox, how do I prove it?
For (2), if I assume predicates as:
$H(x) \text{: Student takes at-least 'x' course hours.}\\
T: \text{Student wrote a master's thesis.}\\
G(y,z): \text{Student received 'y' grade or higher in 'z' course.}\\
M: \text{Student received a master's degree}\\
Domain: \text{All students.}$
Answer which I got:
$(((H(60) \lor (H(45) \land T)) \land \forall zG(B,z)) \implies M$
Answer given is:
$M \implies ((H(60) \lor (H(45) \land T)) \land \forall zG(B,z))$
If I change the domain to all people, then how would the answer change.
For (3) how do I prove using the Rules of Inference for Quantifiers or if the argument is not valid, then how can I check the validity of argument in FOL.