The question is given below:
And its answer is given below:
My answer was:
Since the faces of the cube are squares and since The diagonals of a square are perpendicular bisectors, then they bisect the angle of the square which is $90^{\circ}$, hence the angle is $45^{\circ}$ + $45^{\circ}$ = $90 ^{\circ} $. But I realized my imagination mistake now, this is not the angle required, am I correct?
So, regarding to the given answer, I do not understand what does it mean "first octant of xyz-space" why octant?, Also "is it allowable to assume that each side of the cube has unit length?"
Also still I do not know exactly why the book used the given way in the above answer to answer the question, may be because the vectors are in 3 dimension, correct?