I'm so sorry to ask this basic question, but what is the term for a vector (list) such as {1,2,4,4,2,1}, which is the same when you reverse order?. I used to know the term for this. How about {1,2,4,-4,-2-1}. Thanks for your patience.
1$\begingroup$ palindrome?${}{}{}{}$ $\endgroup$– quasiCommented Aug 2, 2019 at 3:02
$\begingroup$ I thought of this, palindrome. However, the term doesn't seem to be used in a mathematical context. I know there is a word for this in math, but I can't remember it. Very frustrating. $\endgroup$– ChrisCommented Aug 2, 2019 at 3:03
$\begingroup$ Still, it could be called that, at least informally. As an alternative, perhaps "left-right symmetry". $\endgroup$– quasiCommented Aug 2, 2019 at 3:04
$\begingroup$ Fair enough, it could be called that. However, these palindrome vectors have nice properties when you multiply them by symmetric matrixes. I think people have written about these properties. In order to find this literature, I need to be able to search for the proper mathematica term. $\endgroup$– ChrisCommented Aug 2, 2019 at 3:09
$\begingroup$ For example, I think that if you multiply a palindrome vector by a symmetric matrix, you still get a palindrome vector. $\endgroup$– ChrisCommented Aug 2, 2019 at 3:16
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