First, here is the book that I would like to refer to this question. Any notation here directly from the context of this book.
The problem I have is doing Question 14e in pg. 198. Please take a look at the question as well as Question 13 for any of the following notations.
I managed to prove the first containment, however, I don't find any way to get the opposite containment with the condition $K\subseteq I$ and $\alpha _A$ being onto
Here is what I did: suppose $h\in \sqrt{\langle \alpha _A(I) \rangle}$, so that $h^m\in \langle \alpha _A(I) \rangle$ for some integer $m>0$
With the help of Hilbert Basis Theorem, I write $\sqrt{\langle \alpha _A(I) \rangle}=\langle h_1,\cdots ,h_s\rangle$ (with each $h_i$ not necessary in $\langle \alpha _A(I) \rangle$, obviously)
Then let $h=p_1h_1+\cdots +p_sh_s$ be some representation of $h$. By definition of radical ideal, some powers of $h_1,\cdots ,h_s$ must in $\langle \alpha _A(I) \rangle$. WLOG, we can assume $m$ can do this (for $m$ sufficiently large)
It is obvious that using the multinomial theorem, we have $h^M=p_1'h_1^m+\cdots +p_s'h_s^m$ for another large $M>m$, where $p_i'$ is just some other polynomials (not derivative)
Then my attempt is stuck here, so instead of going forward, I thought about what I have to prove 'backwardly'
To prove the containment, I have to show that $h\in \langle \alpha _A(\sqrt{I})\rangle$, so that is, finding some expression looks like $h=q_1f_1+\cdots +q_tf_t$ with each $f_i\in \langle \alpha _A(\sqrt{I}) \rangle$
I also know that I have to somehow use the condition $K\subseteq I$ and $\alpha _A$ is surjective, but so far I still don't see any clue using the first one. Meanwhile, the second one can be used almost everywhere (e.g. since $\alpha _A$ is onto, for each $i$, there exist $H_i$ such that $h_i=\alpha _A(H_i)$)
I appreciate any help and hint and answer, thanks