Let $h:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ be twice differentiable.
What is the largest set on which $|h|$ is twice differentiable?
By the chain rule, $|h|$ is differentiable at $a$ with $$|h|'(a)=h'(a)\operatorname{sgn}h(a)\tag1$$ for all $a\in\{h\ne0\}$. Moreover, if $a\in\{h'=0\}$, then $$\left|\frac{|h|(a+t)-|h|(a)}t\right|\le\left|\frac{h(a+t)-h(a)}t\right|\xrightarrow{t\to0}0\tag2$$ by the reverse triangle inequaly and hence $|h|$ is differentiable at $a$ with $$|h|'(a)=0=h'(a)\operatorname{sgn}h(a)\tag3.$$
So, $|h|$ is differentiable at least on $D_1:=\{h\ne0\}\cup\{h'=0\}$ with derivative $h'\operatorname{sgn}h$. (Can we enlarge $D_1$?)
Turning to the second derivative: Using that $\operatorname{sgn}h$ is differentiable at $a$ with $$(\operatorname{sgn}h)'(a)=0\tag4$$ for all $a\in\{h\ne0\}\cup\{h=0\}^\circ$, we obtain (by the chain rule, again) that $|h|$ is twice differentiable at $a$ with $$|h|''(a)=h''(a)\operatorname{sgn}h(a)\tag5$$ for all $a\in D_2:=\{h\ne0\}\cup\{h=0\}^\circ$ (noting that $\{h=0\}^\circ\subseteq\{h'=0\}$).
So, $|h|'$ is differentiable at least on $D_2$. Can we enlarge $D_2$?
On the other hand, we can show that $|h|'$ is differentiable at $a$ with $$|h|''(a)=|h''(a)|$$ for all $$a\in D_3:=\{h=0\}\cap\{h'=0\}\cap(\{h''\ne0\}\cup\{h''=0\}\cap D_1^\circ).$$ However, I'm struggling to see how $D_2$ and $D_3$ are related and hence whether the latter yields an enlargement of $D_2$.
EDIT: And as a third option, it's possible to show that $|h|$ is twice differentiable on $D_4:=\mathbb R\setminus\overline{N'}$, where $N':=\left\{a\in\mathbb R:a\text{ is an isolated point of }\left\{h=0\right\}\right\}$; see revision 3 of this answer (and the comments below): https://math.stackexchange.com/a/3210082/47771.
I'm really struggling to see which result is the strongest.