I have 2 questions
- Suppose i have this pde
$x\dfrac{\partial z}{\partial x}+y\dfrac{\partial z}{\partial y}+t\dfrac{\partial z}{\partial t}=xyt$
And the auxiliary equation is
$\dfrac{\partial x}{x}=\dfrac{\partial y}{y}=\dfrac{\partial t}{t}=\dfrac{\partial z}{xyt}$
I know that the last solution will be has this form :
So, i have to find out what $a$, $b$, and $c$ are.
From $\dfrac{\partial x}{x}=\dfrac{\partial y}{y}$, i got $a=\dfrac{x}{y}$
From $\dfrac{\partial y}{y}=\dfrac{\partial t}{t}$, i got $b=\dfrac{y}{t}$
- And i want to write $\Phi(a,b,c)=0$ as explicit in $z$ so, i have to solve for $dz$
Suppose i want to solve for
$\dfrac{\partial t}{t}=\dfrac{\partial z}{xyt}$
And i'm stuck here. I was confused with the denominator $xyt$ that is not has $z$ term. How do i solve this? And we know, if i have a solution $F(a,b)=0$, it can be written in explicit term as $F(a)=b$.
But how about 3 variables that is in my case i have a solution $\Phi(a,b,c)=0$?
Please help me to solve this. Thanks.