Let $V$ be an inner product space over a field $\mathbb{K}$, and let $W \neq V$ be a subspace in $V$ of finite dimension $> 0$.
Let $P_W : V \to W$ be the orthogonal projection on $W$.
(1) Show that $1$ is an eigenvalue for $P_W$, and the corresponding eigenspace equals $W$ .
(2) Show that $0$ is an eigenvalue for $P_W$, and the corresponding eigenspace is $W^{\perp}$.
I'm really stuck here.
I know that $P_W(v)=\lambda v$.
and the eigen space: $E_{P_W}(\lambda)=\{v \in V | P_W(v)=\lambda \cdot v\}=\operatorname{ker}\left(P_W-\lambda \cdot \operatorname{Id}_{V}\right)$
But how do I relate this to the orthogonal projection. I mean I hardly have any information about the two vector spaces, their basis, the inner product, any matrix representations, etc.