This is an inherently open-ended question, of course, and what kind of "concrete description" is suitable depends on the particular theory $T$ you're looking at. The main problem with understanding type spaces is that complete types are infinite sets of first-order formulas of arbitrary complexity, which can be difficult to understand. Usually, a "concrete description" of a type $p(x)$ will amount to an "axiomatization", i.e. giving an explicit set of formulas $\Phi = \{\varphi_i(x)\mid i\in I\}$ such that $p(x)$ is the only type containing $\Phi$. Ideally, the set $\Phi$ will also have some intuitive meaning that you can describe in some way other than just listing the formulas.
Here are two general strategies for doing this:
Prove that $T$ has quantifier elmination. Then every type is determined by the quantifier-free formulas contained in it. This has the added advantage that for any tuple $a$, the quantifier-free type $\text{qftp}(a)$ contains exactly the information about the isomorphism type over $a$ of the substructure generated by $a$, which gives a reasonable concrete description of the type space. More generally, if $T$ doesn't have QE, you can still hope to prove that every formulas is equivalent modulo $T$ to a Boolean combination of formulas of a certain simple form. This kind of argument also gives a nice description of the topology on the type space, since the sets picked out by the generating formulas and their complements will be a sub-basis for the topology.
If $T$ is totally transcendental ($\omega$-stable), or more generally small (meaning that $S_n(T)$ is countable for all $n$), carry out the Cantor-Bendixson analysis explicitly. That is, find isolating formulas for the isolated types. Then find isolating formulas for the types which are isolated among the non-isolated types. And repeat until you've described all of the types.
Your specific question about the random graph is the best of both worlds: $T$ has QE, $S_n(T)$ is finite, and every type is isolated. Let $p(x_1,\dots,x_n)$ be a type in $S_n(T)$. Then $p$ is isolated by the conjunction of all atomic and negated atomic formulas in $p$. The instances of $=$ and $\neq$ describe a partition of the variables into equivalence classes. The instances of the edge relation and its complement describe a graph on these equivalence classes. So $p(x_1,\dots,x_n)$ is determined by a graph $G$ of size at most $n$, together with a labeling of the vertices of $G$ by the variables $x_1,\dots,x_n$ such that every vertex gets at least one label (but possibly more).
So the space $S_n(T)$ can be described as the set of all such graph/labeling pairs, equipped with the discrete topology.