Let $f: \mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C}$ be a complex polynomial of degree $n \ge 2$. A point $w \in \mathbb{C}$ is a periodic point of $f$ of minimal period $p$ if $f^{\circ p}(w) =w$ and $p$ is the smallest positive integer such that this equality holds. The orbit of $w$ is the set $\{w, f(w) , \dots, f^{\circ (p-1) }(w) \}$.
A periodic point $w$ is called attracting if $|(f^{\circ p})'(w)| < 1$, neutral if $|(f^{\circ p})'(w)| = 1$, and repelling if $|(f^{\circ p})'(w)| > 1$.
I would like to show that $f$ can only finitely many neutral or attracting orbits.
If I have this fact, then I can complete an argument (along the lines of the proof of Theorem 14.10 in Falconer's Fractal geometry, 2nd ed.) which shows the Julia set of $f$ is exactly the closure of the set of repelling periodic points of $f$.
For any fixed $p$, $f^{\circ p}$ can of course have only finitely many fixed points (of any type), but when one allows $p$ of any size it's not clear to me how the number of attractive or neutral orbits remains bounded. The size of the derivative will need to be used but I don't yet see how.
Hints, solutions, or reference suggestions are greatly appreciated.