I am going through Introduction to Probability by Grinstead and Snell and apparently the book's definition of random variable is not conventional as discovered in another question I had here and I would like to understand their differences.
The book describes random variables and its distribution function as (page 27 of the PDF):
Let X be a random variable which denotes the value of the outcome of a certain experiment, and assume that this experiment has only finitely many possible outcomes. Let $\Omega$ be the sample space of the experiment (i.e., the set of all possible values of X, or equivalently, the set of all possible outcomes of the experiment.) A distribution function for X is a real-valued function m whose domain is $\Omega$ and which satisfies: $m(\omega) \geq 0$, for all $\omega \in\Omega$ and $\sum_{\omega \in \Omega } m(\omega)=1$
This seems to not line up with the Wikipedia definition here that describes random variables as a function $X:\Omega -> E$ where $E$ is usually $R$.
In the Wiki definition, it is correct to say that $X$ is not an outcome in $\Omega$ but instead maps $\omega$ to, usually, a real number? And is the probability mass function $p_X(x)=P(X = x)$ equivalent to my book's distribution function $m(\omega)$, except the domain of the probability mass function is all possible values of $X$, not $\Omega$?
Using the Wiki definition, is the event (say $A$) described by $X = j$ the set $A= \{ \omega_1, \omega_2, .. \} $ for all $\omega \in\Omega$ where $X = j$, such that $P(X = j) = P(A)$ (and $P(X = j | E) = P(A |E)$ if dealing with conditional probability conditioned on event $E$)?
In the continuous case, is there any practical difference between the two definitions? It seems if $X$ is viewed as a function, then $X(x)=x\in\Omega$ so would be equivalent as taking on an outcome from a continuous sample space?