Let $G$ be a finite group. Let $F$ be a field of characteristic zero. Let $V$ and $W$ be finite dimensional representations of $G$. Assume that $V$ is irreducible and $W$ is isomorphic to $nV$ for some $n$ (this is the external direct sum of $n$ copies of $V$).
I'm looking for a procedure to find elements $w_1,\dotsc,w_n\in W$ such that $w_i$ generates a subrepresentation $V_i$ of $W$ which is isomorphic to $V$, and such that the internal direct sum of the $V_i$ is $W$.
I'm not even sure how to just find $w_1\in W$ that generates a subrepresentation isomorphic to $V$.
EDIT: The accepted answer tells us what to do if $F=\mathbb{C}$. What if $F=\mathbb{R}$?. Can we use extension of scalars?