I have two parametrizations of two surfaces with the same Gaussian Curvature. $$X(u, v)=(u \cos (v), u \sin (v), v) \\ Y(r, s)=(r \cos(s), r \sin(s), \log(r))$$
Nevertheless, they are not isometric. I got this PDEs system: $$\begin{matrix} \left(\frac{1+u^2}{u^2}\right){r_{u}}^2+u^2{s_ u}^2 & = & 1 \\ \left(\frac{1+u^2}{u^2}\right)r_{u}r_v+u^2s_us_ v & = & 0 \\ \left(\frac{1+u^2}{u^2}\right){r_{v}}^2+u^2{s_v}^2 & = & 1+u^2 \end{matrix} $$
I'm pretty sure that Egregium theorem allows me to deduce that $r_v=0$. But I don´t know how to get this equation.