I found this proof online and was having trouble understanding the last steps.
Lemma: Given that $f_n(x_n)$ converges to $f(x)$ , show that $f_n$ is uniformly convergent to $f$ on a compact set k.
Proof by contradiction:
Assume $f_n$ (on compact set K) does not converge uniformly to $f$. Then there exists a sequence of $x$'s and an increasing sequence of $n \epsilon N $ s.t. $$| \; f_{2n_{k_r-1}}(x_k) \; - \; f_{2n_{k_r}}(x _k) \; | \geq \epsilon . $$
Then, by Bolzano Weierstrass (since K is compact) there is a convergent subsequence {$x_{k_r}$} that converges to $x$.
Define a sequence $y_{n}$ so that
$$y_{n_r} = x\; \textrm{if} \; n \neq 2n_{k_r} \; \textrm{or if} \; n \neq 2n_{k_r-1}, $$
and $$y_{2n_{k_r}} = y_{2n_{k_r-1}} = x_{k_r} .$$ Then $y_n$ conveges to $x$.
let {$Z_n$} = {$f_n(y_n)$} . This sequence is not cauchy since $$| \; z_{2n_{k_r-1}} \; - \; z_{2n_{k_r}} \; | \geq \epsilon.$$
Thus we have proved that if $f_n$ does not converge uniformly to $f$,
$x_n \rightarrow x \implies \lim_{n \rightarrow +\infty}$ $f_n (x_n) \rightarrow f(x)$ is false
My question is, couldn't we just use {$Z_n$} = {$f_n(x_{k_r}))$}? Why did they define a new sequence that is potentially just {$x_{k_r}$}?
also, is all this $2n-1$, $2n$ notation necessary? could we use $n$ and $n+1$?