First, I want to introduce the Jordan–Chevalley decomposition:
In essence it formalizes what you said: For every trigonalizable map $f \in End(V)$ with transformation Matrix $A$, there exists a diagonal Matrix $D$ (the stretching part) and an nilpotent Matrix $N$ (the “collapse” part) such that, $A = D + N$
(which makes intuitive sense: $D$ will have the same Main diagonal as $A$, so $A – D$ will be an strictly triangular matrix $\Leftrightarrow$ nilpotent).
Now consider a Matrix $B$ with just one Eigenvalue $\lambda$:
Because $\lambda$ is the sole Eigenvalue of $B$, the diagonal Matrix $D$ in the Jordan–Chevalley decomposition will just have $\lambda$ on its diagonal, so: $\lambda * \mathbb{I}_n = D$.
Now we rearrange:
$B = D + N$ to $B - D = N \Leftrightarrow (B - \lambda * \mathbb{I}_n) = N$.
Because $N$ is nilpotent, it follows that for an sufficient $k$, every Vector in the generalized Eigenspace will be in the Kernel of $(B - \lambda * \mathbb{I}_n)^k$, because for a sufficient $k$, $(B - \lambda * \mathbb{I}_n)^k$ will be the zero map.
Important: If you have more than one Eigenvalue, you need to restrict the Matrix to the respective generalized Eigenspace to reduce it to the above situation.
In this case, $(A - \lambda * \mathbb{I}_n)^k$ will not map every vector in V to zero, but just Elements of the generalized Eigenspace associated to $\lambda$
(Because you applied the Jordan–Chevalley decomposition to the generalized Eigenspace and not to V)
This is what he meant by “$(A - \lambda * \mathbb{I}_n)^k$ picks up all the Jordan blocks associated with eigenvalue Lambda“.
I think the "error" term he wrote about, are the Jordanchains / the way you calculate them:
$A * v_j = v_{j-1} + \lambda * v_j \Leftrightarrow v_j * (A - \lambda * \mathbb{I}_n) = v_{j-1}$
So every Vector not only gets scaled, but you also add a Vector. This added Vector is the “error Term".