Lebesgue measurability (LM), the property of Baire (BP) and the perfect set property (PSP) are probably the most prominent among all the regularity properties of sets of reals. Such a set can either satisfy any one of these properties or not and so this leaves us with 8 possible combinations of LM, BP and PSP.
Just for the heck of it, I recently tried to construct examples for all these 8 combinations. I was able to do so for 7 of them. This leads me to my question:
Is there, provably in ZFC, a set of reals which is Lebesgue measurable, has the property of Baire, but not the perfect set property?
I know that the existence of such a set is consistent both with CH and $\neg$CH. On the one side, in $L$ there is a $\Pi_1^1$-set which does not have the PSP and it being $\Pi_1^1$ certainly makes it satisfy LM and BP. On the other hand, in a model of $\neg$CH where $\operatorname{non}(\mathcal N)=\operatorname{non}(\mathcal M)=2^{\omega}$, any set of reals of size $\omega_1$ would be an example. Here, $\operatorname{non}(\mathcal N)$ and $\operatorname{non}(\mathcal M)$ are the smallest cardinalty of a set of reals which does is not LM, respectively does not have BP.
The standard examples for sets without the PSP are the Bernstein sets, i.e. sets $B\subseteq\mathbb R$ for which both $B$ and $\mathbb R\setminus B$ meet any perfect set. However, these are are not LM and do not have the BP as well.