Banach–Alaoglu theorem states that:
The closed bounded subsets of $X^*$ is compact with respect to the weak-* topology.
Is closeness and boundedness in weak-* topology on $X^*$? or the norm topology on $X^*$
Banach–Alaoglu theorem states that:
The closed bounded subsets of $X^*$ is compact with respect to the weak-* topology.
Is closeness and boundedness in weak-* topology on $X^*$? or the norm topology on $X^*$
It is norm-closed and norm-bounded. A usual formulation of Banach-Alaoglu states that the closed unit ball of $X^*$ is weak-* compact.
EDIT: this is incorrect. The set must be weak* closed.
If $X$ is Banach, then norm-boundedness and weak$^*$-boundedness are equivalent because of the Banach-Steinhaus theorem. However, norm-closed bounded sets needn't be weak$^*$-closed (and thus cannot be weak$^*$-compact). An example is the unit ball of $c_0$ considered as a subset of $\ell_\infty= \ell_1^*$.
EDIT. The usual statement is that the polar $U^\circ=\{\varphi^*\in X^*: |\varphi(x)|\le 1\}$ of any neighbourhood of $0$ of a Banach space (or any topological vector space) is weak$^*$-compact. Hence all weak$^*$-closed and equicontinuous subsetes of $X^*$ are weak$^*$-compact. The example of the unit ball of $c_0$ in $\ell_\infty$ shows that one cannot replace weak$^*$-closedness by norm-closedness.