Let $A$ be an additive category. We have that for all $X, Y$ objects in $A, Hom_A(X, Y)$ is an abelian group. However, what is the abelian group structure? If $f, g: X \rightarrow Y$ are two morphisms in $Hom_A(X, Y)$ then it doesn't quite make sense to compose them. So would the operation be the addition of morphisms?
If this is true, does this tell us some underlying structure of $Y?$ That is, we can add and subtract things in $Y,$ because $-f,$ im assuming, is defined as the inverse of $x$ in $Y.$ Furthermore, the identity map would map everything to $0(?)$ in $Y.$ So does it follow that the image of $X$ in $Y$ has an abelian group structure? Associativity is something we would have to consider, but I guess the general question is if the structure of $Hom_A(X, Y)$ does say something about the structure of $X, Y...$