I want to know that if the equation in the title always holds? I have generated a random Hermitian matrix $A$, and then compute $\log(\det A)$ and $ tr(\log(A))$ in matlab, it is not equal. So I'm really puzzled.
Can you give me the proof of this equation if it is true. Thanks in advance
I just show an example:
$$A=\begin{bmatrix}30.9186 + 0.0000i & -0.5120 - 0.0197i \\-0.5120 + 0.0197i & 10.3822 + 0.0000i \end{bmatrix}$$
$K>> log2(det(A))$
$ans = 8.3253 + 0.0000i$
$K>> trace(log2(A))$
$ans =8.3264 + 0.0000i$
what's wrong about it?
it is essentially different from these problem such as
How to prove $\det(e^A) = e^{\operatorname{tr}(A)}$?
because I think this equation is totally wrong, so I don't know why it can be proved.