Related questions here and here
I'm trying to compute the derivative of $S(X) = Tr(X\log(X))$. An additional condition is that $X = L^TL$ for some $L$ and I want to take the derivative with respect to $L$. So essentially, I would like to find $$\frac{\partial Tr\left(L^TL\log(L^TL)\right)}{\partial L}$$ This is well defined as it's the derivative of a scalar function with respect to a matrix so I should obtain a matrix of size $L$.
My progress so far:
Use the product rule to break it up into two derivatives. So I have $\frac{\partial Tr(L^T L C)}{\partial L}$, where $C = \log(L^TL)$ but is treated as a constant. According to the matrix cookbook, I get $L(C^T + C) = L(\log(L^TL))^T + L\log(L^TL)$.
The other term, $\frac{\partial Tr(C'\log(L^T L) )}{\partial L}$, is more troublesome. I thought about letting $L^TL = X$ and use the chain rule, but I'm not sure how to deal with the $\frac{\partial X}{\partial L}$ term since I now have the derivative of a matrix with respect to a matrix (instead of scalar with matrix).
So the question, after my work, is now how to do take the derivative of the second term. Alternatively, if the product rule was a bad idea and I can do it more directly, that would also be very helpful. Thank you.