Consider some Hilbert-type formal system of predicate calculus. I will use the one from Kleene's "Introduction to Metamathematics" 1971. While developing predicate calculus in this style we list set of axioms (or axiom schemata depending on your choice) and set of inference rules. Then concepts of proof and theorem are defined.
But after thinking about it and being honest with myself, I have to admit that I have no idea for why specific axioms and inference rules are chosen (or any equivalent ones). I would like to hear your ideas about it and I will give you all my hypotheses for explanations and why I am unsatisfied with them.
For example, consider axiom schema where $A,B,C$ are metamathematical variables standing for formulas.
$$ 1. (A \Rightarrow B) \Rightarrow ((A \Rightarrow (B \Rightarrow C)) \Rightarrow (A \Rightarrow C)) $$
Also consider the following inference rules where $C$ denotes a formula not containing variable $x$ and $A$ denotes any formula:
$$2. \textrm{If } C \Rightarrow A(x) \textrm{ then } C \Rightarrow \forall x(A(x)) $$
$$3. \textrm{If } A(x) \Rightarrow C \textrm{ then } \exists xA(x) \Rightarrow C $$
Hypothesis 1: We take these and other axioms / axiom schemata / inference rules just because they work. For example, consistency can be shown. Also, because most of the "informal" theorems in mathematics can be reconstructed formally using this kind of predicate calculus. But then how one would come up with them? It seems pretty impossible to choose some of the equivalent sets of axioms/ inference rules just by wanting them to be consistent and for them to be able to formalize most of the "informal" mathematics. I think there should be some kind of intuition or interpretation behind this.
Hypothesis 2: Our choice is based also on the fact that under the interpretation it makes sense. But I have a hard time understanding that. For example, if one considers axiom schemata 1 then interpretation would be "If if $A$ then $B$ then if if $A$ then if $B$ then $C$ then if $A$ then $C$" which for me is extremely confusing and therefore not as readily accessible for intuition. For inference rules 2 and 3 I have no convincing interpretation and I would really appreciate if you could give your interpretation that convinces you for my given inference rules.
Hypothesis 3: Probably one could argue by model-theoretic arguments which formulas we should choose as axiom schemata but I am not that convinced here because for model theory of predicate calculus using finitary means we can only analyze cases when domain of variables of predicate calculus is finite, but usually, in practice, we use theories with an infinite domain. Maybe one can argue that if it holds for finite domain then it is reasonable to assume that it holds for infinite domain, but I am not sure. And then also one could ask why we choose truth tables in the way we do. Also, considering that some types of logic do not have truth tables, but still have axioms/ axiom schemata/ inference rules, I feel that this intuition might not be general enough.
Hypothesis 4: Probably one could also argue that we want certain deductive rules to hold like deduction theorem. But I always felt that philosophically they are not necessary and are just useful tools, but in principle, everything could be developed without these deductive rules. So one cannot argue using them because they are not fundamental to the theory in the first place.
Hypothesis 5: It might be that there is an equivalent predicate calculus with axioms and inference rules that are simpler and more intuitive. If that is the case, can someone give some references for what it is and why is it simpler and more intuitive?
I would appreciate your help and advice, and your own philosophical / intuitive thoughts about this. Especially for me it is interesting, how do you think about these things and how do you convince yourself that what you are doing is reasonable.