We know that each complex semisimple lie algebra $L$ is a direct sum of a chosen Cartan subalgebra $H$ and finitely many weight spaces, each of which is associated with an element in $H^*=\operatorname{Hom}(H,\mathbb{C})$, also known as a root. The set of roots of $L$ forms a root system which can be classified by Dynkin diagrams.
According to wikipedia, one classifies simple Lie algebras over the algebraic closure, then for each of these, one classifies simple Lie algebras over the original field which have this form (over the closure). For example, to classify simple real Lie algebras, one classifies real Lie algebras with a given complexification, which are known as real forms of the complex Lie algebra"
Can someone point me to a good source of reference for classification over the reals?