Find $3$ non-isomorphic groups of order $2012$.
Is the following correct?
First of all, we have the two non-isomorphic abelian groups $\mathbb Z_{2012}$ and $\mathbb Z_{2}\times\mathbb Z_{1006}$.
Then I want to construct a non-abelian group from $\mathbb Z_4$ and $\mathbb Z_{503}$. We have $\text{ Aut }(\mathbb Z_{503})\cong\mathbb Z_{503}^\times\cong\mathbb Z_{502}$. Let $a$ be an element of order $2$ in that group (exists because of Cauchy's theorem), then $\varphi:\mathbb Z_4\to\text{ Aut }(\mathbb Z_{503}), \bar 1\mapsto a$ is a non-trivial group homomorphism and thus $\mathbb Z_4\rtimes_\varphi\mathbb Z_{503}$ is non-abelian.