I'm having a tough time figuring out the 'correct' normalization for extending absolute values of local fields. I'm also trying to piece together how this interacts with the global theory, so below is essentially a discussion of my thoughts and a few questions at the end. Am I thinking about this the right way?
If $K/\mathbb Q$ is finite then every nonzero ideal $\mathfrak a\subseteq \mathcal O_K$ has a unique factorization $$ \mathfrak a=\prod_{\mathfrak p: \,\text{prime}}\mathfrak p^{e_\mathfrak p(\mathfrak a)}. $$ The function $v_\mathfrak p:\mathcal O_K\rightarrow \mathbb Z\cup \infty$ defined by $v_\mathfrak p(x)={e_\mathfrak p(x\mathcal O_K)}$ defines a discrete valuation on $\mathcal O_K$. We can extend this to a valuation on $K$ by noting that all elements of $K$ can be represented by a quotient of algebraic integers. Fixing a prime $p$ and a prime ideal $\mathfrak p\mid p$, for any $0<a<1$ we have an induced nonarchimedean absolute value on $K$, given by $|x|_\mathfrak p=a^{v_\mathfrak p(x)}$. Completing $K$ with respect to this absolute value results in a finite extension $K_\mathfrak p$ of $\mathbb Q_p$.
If $e$ and $f$ are the ramification and inertia degrees of $p$, by Neukirch Theorem 4.8, I also understand that $K_\mathfrak p$ has a unique absolute value extending the $p$-adic absolute value $|\cdot |_p$ on $\mathbb Q_p$ , given by $$ |x|_\mathfrak p=|N_{K_\mathfrak p/\mathbb Q_p}(x)|_p^{\frac{1}{ef}} $$ since $[K_\mathfrak p:\mathbb Q_p]=ef$. This forces us to fix a value for $a$ above: since we want the absolute value on $K_\mathfrak p$ to extend $|\cdot |_p$, we'd like to have $|p |_\mathfrak p=p^{-1}$. Therefore, we need $ a^{v_\mathfrak p(p)}=|N_{K_\mathfrak p/\mathbb Q_p}(p)|^{\frac{1}{ef}}, $ which, since $N_{K_\mathfrak p/\mathbb Q_p}(p)=p^{ef}$ (do I need to assume the extension is Galois here?) and $v_\mathfrak p(p)=e$, implies that $a=p^{-1/e}$. Therefore, we normalize so that $$ |x|_\mathfrak p=p^{-v_\mathfrak p(x)/e} $$ is the absolute value extending that of $\mathbb Q_p$. All this said, Serre mentions in page 27 of Local Fields, that for a locally compact field (which is the case for $K_\mathfrak p$), there is a "canonical way to choose the number $a$ [defined the same as I have done above]: one takes $a=q^{-1}$, where $q$ is the number of elements in the reside field". In our case, I think that $q=|\mathcal O_{K_\mathfrak p}/\mathfrak p|=p^f$? If so, then it seems like Serre would have us take $a=p^{-f}$... What is the advantage of doing this? Am I making some horrible mistake here? Is there a better way to think about (normalized) valuations on extensions? Is there a way to 'get around' computing the field norm whenever we'd like to take the absolute value of an an element?
I realize I've bunched a few questions together here, and I'd be happy to write them separately if someone with more experience on this site would recommend it. That said, partial answers or even just comments would be welcome.