I am looking for a reference or a proof which shows that $P(\tau_0^Y<\infty)=1$ for an ornstein uhlenbeck process $Y$ given by $$ dY(t)=-\frac{1}{2}\alpha Y(t)dt+ \frac{1}{2} \sigma dW(t),Y(0)=y>0 $$ where $\sigma,\alpha>0$ and $\tau_0^Y=\inf\{t \ge 0:Y(t)=0\}$
I tried to explicitly solve for $Y(t)$ using Ito's lemma from which I could conclude that $Y(t)$ is normally distributed(I explicitly computed the mean and the variance). But I couldn't use it to prove that the process hits zero in finite time with probability one. Any hints on how could I show this?