Suppose $\mathbb{R}^n$ space with norm $\|\cdot\|$ and $I$ open interval and $f: I \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$ derivable function.
let $k$ be a constant and $x_0$ element in $I$.
we have $\|f\,'(x)\|\leq k\|f(x)\|$ for every $x \in I$ and we have $ f(x_0)=0$
show that (by applying the mean value theorem on $f(x)$ in the interval $[x_0-h, x_0+h]$ for $h$ very small )there exist $h>0$ such that $f$ is equal zero on the interval $[x_0-h, x_0+h]$.
Am not sure how to make it, hope to get a hint.
Thanks alot