I would like to know how to solve the following indefinite integral:
where csch$(x)$ is the the hyperbolic cosecant function of $x$, i.e. csch$(x)=\frac{1}{\sinh(x)}$.
I tried the substitution $u=\sqrt{1-\text{csch}^2(x)}$, which lead to $I=\int \frac{\sinh^3(x)}{\cosh(x)}\,du$. From the substitution relation I got:
There's the problem with the sign of $\sinh(x)$. Since in the specific problem where I found this integral, $x$ is a function of $t$, $x(t)$ and this function isn't determined. Also, the substitution didn't simplify enough the problem. I also tried the substitution $u=\text{csch}(x)$, but I got similar problems.