I'm trying to understand how some characterizations of the Riemannian volume form $dV$ are equivalent on an oriented Riemannian manifold of dimension $n$. I'm a bit new to Riemannian geometry (and self-studying it), and I can tell that it should just come down to a straightforward calculation, but I'm stuck for some reason.
Characterization 1: If $(\omega^1,...,\omega^n)$ is a local oriented orthonormal coframe for the cotangent bundle, then $dV=\omega^1\wedge...\wedge\omega^n$.
Characterization 2: If $(y^1,...,y^n)$ are oriented local coordinates, then $dV=\sqrt{\det(g_{ij})}dy^1\wedge...\wedge dy^n$ where $g_{ij}$ is the representation of the Riemannian metric in local coordinates.
I'm guessing that the square root of the determinant factor shows up from something involving $\det(A)=\sqrt{\det(A A^t)}$ for a suitable matrix $A$. I have a hunch that using uniqueness of the form (which follows for e.g. characterization 1 from the fact that you can cover the manifold with charts that have local oriented orthonormal coframes) might be important? Any help is very much appreciated!