I have a question regarding an alternate form of the Bessel equation and how that alternate form translates to the modified Bessel equation and its solution. The modified form is from: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BesselDifferentialEquation.html
and looks like this: $$ \frac{d^2 y}{dx^2}+\frac{1-2\alpha}{x}\frac{dy}{dx}+\left(\beta^2\gamma^2x^{2\gamma-2}+\frac{\alpha^2-n^2\gamma^2}{x^2}\right)y=0 $$ and has the following solutions: $$ y= \begin{cases} x^\alpha\left[AJ_n(\beta x^\gamma)+BY_n(\beta x^\gamma)\right] &\text{ for integer }n \\ \\ x^\alpha\left[AJ_n(\beta x^\gamma)+BJ_{-n}(\beta x^\gamma)\right] &\text{ for noninteger }n \end{cases} $$ For the moment, I am only concerned with the case where $\gamma=1$ and $\alpha=n$ so the equation simplifies to: $$ \frac{d^2 y}{dx^2}+\frac{1-2\alpha}{x}\frac{dy}{dx}+\beta^2y=0 $$ with the following solutions: $$ y= \begin{cases} x^\alpha\left[AJ_\alpha(\beta x)+BY_\alpha(\beta x)\right] &\text{ for integer }\alpha \\ \\ x^\alpha\left[AJ_\alpha(\beta x)+BJ_{-\alpha}(\beta x)\right] &\text{ for noninteger }\alpha \end{cases} $$ What I'd like to know is if instead of being the unmodified Bessel equation, the equation was in the form of the modified Bessel equation as shown below, what would the solutions be? $$ \frac{d^2 y}{dx^2}+\frac{1-2\alpha}{x}\frac{dy}{dx}-\beta^2y=0 $$ A quick search on wolframalpha tells me they might look like this: $$ y= \begin{cases} x^\alpha\left[AJ_\alpha(-i\beta x)+BY_\alpha(-i\beta x)\right] &\text{ for integer }\alpha \\ \\ x^\alpha\left[AJ_\alpha(-i\beta x)+BJ_{-\alpha}(-i\beta x)\right] &\text{ for noninteger }\alpha \end{cases} $$ Could these then be translated to the modified Bessel functions so: $$ y= \begin{cases} x^\alpha\left[CI_\alpha(\beta x)+DK_\alpha(\beta x)\right] &\text{ for integer }\alpha \\ \\ x^\alpha\left[CI_\alpha(\beta x)+DI_{-\alpha}(\beta x)\right] &\text{ for noninteger }\alpha \end{cases} $$
Any insights you could provide would be greatly appreciated, thanks!