A very nice and short proof of Pitt's theorem (a bit more than a page and covering the case you're interested in as well) was recently given by Sylvain Delpech MR review here, online article here.
Let me adress your questions in the comments in a pedestrian way since I find this more illuminating than appealing to heavy artillery.
Lemma. Let $X$ be a Banach space with separable dual space $X'$. Then every bounded sequence $(x_{i})_i$ has a weak Cauchy subsequence.
Let $(\phi_{j})_{j}$ be a dense sequence in $X'$ and suppose $\|x_{i}\| \leq C$ for all $i$.
(Diagonal trick)
Since $|\langle x_{i}, \phi_{1} \rangle| \leq C \|\phi_{1}\|$, we may extract a subsequence $(x_{i}^{(1)})_i$ of $(x_{i})_i$ such that $\langle x_{i}^{(1)} ,\phi_{1}\rangle$ converges. Assume by induction we have constructed a subsequence $(x_{i}^{(n)})_{i}$ such that $\langle x_{i}^{(n)}, \phi_{j} \rangle$ converges for $j = 1, \ldots, n$. Then, as $|\langle x_{i}^{(n)}, \phi_{n+1} \rangle| \leq C \|\phi_{n+1}\|$ we find a subsequence $(x_{i}^{(n+1)})_{i}$ of $(x_{i}^{(n)})_{i}$ such that $\langle x_{i}^{(n+1)}, \phi_{n+1} \rangle$ converges. Now put $y_i = x_{i}^{(i)}$ and observe that $\langle y_i, \phi_j \rangle$ converges for all $j$.
(Triangle inequality)
The sequence $(y_j)_j$ is a weak Cauchy sequence: Let $\phi \in X'$ be arbitrary and let $\varepsilon \gt 0$. Choose $j$ such that $\|\phi_j - \phi\| \lt \varepsilon$. For $m,n$ large enough we then have $|\langle y_n - y_m, \phi_j \rangle| \lt \varepsilon$, hence
|\langle y_{n} - y_{m}, \phi \rangle| & \leq
|\langle y_{n}, \phi - \phi_j \rangle| +
|\langle y_n - y_m, \phi_j \rangle| +
|\langle y_m, \phi_j - \phi\rangle| \\
& \lt (2C + 1) \varepsilon
and thus $(y_j)_j$ is indeed a weak Cauchy sequence.
Of course, this is nothing but the usual Arzelà-Ascoli argument.
Further edit
Vobo points out in a comment below that one can prove the lemma in a blow by saying: Since $X'$ is separable, the closed unit ball $B_{X''}$ in $X''$ with the weak$^{\ast}$-topology is metrizable and it is compact by Alaoğlu. Hence every sequence in $B_{X''}$ has a weak$^{\ast}$-convergent subsequence, in particular it is weak$^{\ast}$-Cauchy. But it is a tautology that a sequence from $B_X$ is weak$^{\ast}$-Cauchy in $B_{X''}$ if and only if it is weakly Cauchy in $B_X$, so the lemma follows.
But what have we actually done in this argument? First, we use a diagonal argument to show that $B_{X''}$ is compact (to prove Alaoğlu we need the ultrafilter lemma, Tychonoff, Arzelà-Ascoli or whatever). Then we use separability of $X'$ to see that the weak$^{\ast}$-topology on $B_{X''}$ is second countable, hence metrizable by Urysohn. To do this a bit more explicitly, we can construct a metric on $B_{X''}$ by choosing a dense sequence $\{\phi_{n}\}$ in $B_{X'}$ and putting $d(x'',y'') = \sum 2^{-n} \frac{|\langle x'' - y'', \phi_n\rangle|}{1 + |\langle x'' - y'', \phi_n\rangle|}$. That this metric induces the weak$^{\ast}$-topology essentially is the argument in 2. above. Then we remember that compact metrizable spaces are sequentially compact and use a bit of fancy language. Unpacking all this and simplifying, we get exactly the argument I gave above. Conversely, understanding the argument above gives us a way of really understanding what is going on in all these theorems as well, so I don't think we've lost anything. On the contrary.
Of course, I agree that calling these theorems heavy artillery is exaggerating a bit...
As for the second question, a linear operator between locally convex spaces $(E,\{|\cdot|_p\}_p)$ and $(F,\{|\cdot|_q\}_q)$ is continuous if and only if for each $q$ there exist $p_1,\ldots,p_n$ and $C \gt 0$ such that for all $x \in E$ we have $|Tx|_q \leq C\sum |x|_{p_j}$. Given that we know that $T$ is weak-norm continuous we have $\|Tx\| \leq C \sum |\langle x, \phi_j \rangle|$ for some $\phi_1, \ldots, \phi_n \in X'$ so that for a weak Cauchy sequence $(x_i)_i$ we have for $n,m$ large enough that $\|T(x_n - x_m)\| \leq C \sum |\langle x_n - x_m, \phi_j\rangle| \leq C \varepsilon$ and hence $(T(x_i))_i$ is Cauchy in norm.